Saturday, April 07, 2007

Saturday's Mini Codices

Here is today's installment:
  • Tim Challies has a great post titled There Appeared to Him an Angel about Jesus's darkest hour

  • Desiring God has a number of resources on The Greatest Event in History

  • Audible, an audiobook store, has a free trial which allows for the download of two free audiobooks. They have their own proprietary format, which I don't like (I wouldn't pay for anything besides a plain format like ogg or mp3), but they also support an iTunes format which isn't ideal but good enough for free :) My two free downloads are "Wikinomics: How Mass Colaboration Changes Everything" and "A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Solider"

  • YouTube has just announced that it is unleashing Citizen's Tube, their political vlog. I watched the little video they have introducing it, and it looks neat!

  • Usenet is a major part of the Internet which predates the popularity of the Web, and yet the vast majority of Internet users nowadays don't even know what it is. It allows the reading and posting of "news" in what is called "newsgroups". There are thousands of these newsgroups arranged by topic. It really was a neat community, and still is, but it is hampered by some of the same problems that you experience with e-mail, ie. spam. Someone took the recipies from the newsgroup alt.gourmand and put them together in a nice electronic cookbook. It can be downloaded from here in the Winhelp format.

  • My cousin Nick Vujicic's website has been redesigned. It looks great!

  • I can imagine that puttyclip would be very useful to those who use the terminal application called "Putty" for using SSH


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