Sunday, February 25, 2007

Boston on Why We Owe Obedience to God

This particular exerpt comes from Thomas Boston, commenting on I Samuel 5:22. It discusses the reasons why we owe obedience to God.

l. Because he is our great and glorious Creator, to whom we owe our life and being. He is our Lord, and we are his subjects; he is our Master, and we are his servants. And therefore it is just and right that we should obey him, and conform to his will. He is every thing that speaks an authority to command us, and that can challenge an humility in us to obey. Man holds all of God, and therefore owes all the operations capable to be produced by those faculties, to the sovereign power that endued him with them. Man had no being but from him, and he hath no motion without him; he should therefore have no being but for him, and no motion but according to his will. To call him Lord, and not to act in subjection to him, is to mock and put an affront upon him. Hence it is said, 'Why call ye me Lord, Lord, and do not the things that I say?' Luke 6.46.

2. Because he is our chief end, the chief and last end of all being. The Lord hath made all things for himself; and of him, and through him, and to him, are all things. His glory should be the ultimate end of all our actions, and the mark to which they should all be directed. He gave being to all things, that they might shew forth his praise. All the brute creatures, things animate and inanimate, do this in a passive manner; but men and angels, who are rational agents, are bound to do this actively; and they are designed by God for this very end and purpose.

3. Because he is the conserving cause of all. As he gave man a being, so he upholds and preserves him therein, by his mighty power. The preservation of the creatures is as it were a continued creation; and in order to it there is necessary a continual exertion of divine power, and a constant efflux of providential influence, without which they could not move and act at all. As therefore the life and motions of men depend entirely upon God as their upholder, so that life and those motions should be employed for promoting his glory, and promoting his will.

4. Because of the eminency of his nature, which founds his supreme dominion over us. God is the most glorious and excellent of all beings, and the source and spring of all other beings whatsoever. He is possessed of all perfections in an infinite and transcendent manner. Whatever perfections, excellencies, and amiable qualities, are scattered among the creatures, they all unite in him in the utmost perfection, and in him they shine with the most resplendent glory.—And therefore he has a just title to the homage and obedience of all his creatures.

5. Because he is our good and gracious Benefactor, from whose bountiful hand all our mercies do flow. It is in him that we live, move, and have our being. Our health, strength, time, and all blessings, spiritual or temporal, that we enjoy, are the fruits of his goodness and providential care. Now, this lays strong obligations upon us to serve and obey him. We find the Lord aggravating the rebellion of the Jews from the care he had taken in bringing them up, and their miraculous deliverance from Egypt, Isa. 1.2. 'I have nourished and brought up children, but they have rebelled against me,' which clearly implies, that the benefits he had bestowed upon them were strong obligations to an ingenuous observance of him; and we find him threatening to deprive them of the blessings he had bestowed upon them, and to bring great distress upon them for the neglect of this duty, Deut. 28.47, &c.

6. Lastly, Because he is our Governor and supreme Lawgiver. He is a Lawgiver to all, to irrational as well as rational creatures. The heavens have their ordinances, Job 38.33. All the creatures have a law imprinted on their beings, but rational creatures have divine statutes inscribed on their hearts, as Rom. 2.14,15. 'When the Gentiles, which have not the [written] law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these having not the law, are a law unto themselves; which shew the work of the law written in their hearts.' And they have laws more clearly and fully set before them in the word. The sole power of making laws does originally reside in God, Jam. 4.12. 'There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy.' He only hath power to bind the conscience. And therefore to him obedience is due from all to whom he has prescribed laws.

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Friday, February 16, 2007

An Initial Review of the Nokia 770

I'm usually quite far behind on the technology curve. For instance, I've never had anything that can play DVDs besides my computer, and I only got a DVD reader on my computer recently. And in the past, I've never had anything related to WiFi running at my house. I've never had a PDA and my cell phone isn't web-enabled or bluetooth-enabled. I guess you could call me a low-tech techie. This is interesting, especially since I make a living off tweaking, installing, configuring, and creating technology. And I haven't had any other serious full time vocation.

Somehow, I decided to to get a used Nokia 770. After a couple days of using it, I must say that I think it is great. It isn't perfect, but a pretty good device. Here I would like to share some of the positives and negatives. These apply to the device with their Internet Operating System 2006 installed.
  • It runs Linux! This is good in my books :)

  • It is compact, but not so compact that it lacks in screen space. It actually fits into my pant pocket!

  • It comes with some good software by default, including: a web browser, a simple mail client, simple jabber/googletalk messaging, a calculator, a clock, a PDF reader, chess, etc.

  • Unfortunately, it lacks some software which should be preinstalled on every portable device (ie. a good PIM, etc.)

  • Once you have the right repositories added into your device, installing programs is extremely simple. They have a nice Application Manager feature. Installing Gaim (IM program), SSH, VNC viewer, Xterm, a weather program, a star tracking program, a sudoko game, etc. was extremely simple. There is a development platform readily available (Maemo), and there are enough apps available to make me think that porting most applications that run on Linux is quite feasible.

  • The functionality related to WiFi is intuitive and extremely simple to setup and use. There still could be a bit more convenient by making hunts for wireless hotspots easier.

  • The menu interface is well designed and easy to navigate.

  • The file manager is simple, but seem to contain the necessary functionality

  • Unfortunately the battery does not last long, only around 3 hours. This is probably a symptom of its nice screen and WiFi connectivity

  • There appears to be no Bible software for the 770. I can load Bibles
    in PDF and text format, but it would be nice to have some Bible software
    ported, perhaps the GnomeSword project?

  • Being able to install stuff like Xterm, SSH, and VNC allows this device to become a very handy system administrators tool, whether in an enterprise computing environment or for a hobbyist

Those are just some initial thoughts. I may post more as I use the device more.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Nenadovic's in the 1700's and 1800's

I don't know if they are my forefathers, but there were a number of people from the Nenadovic family that were prominent in Serbia in the late 1700's and 1800's.

There's Jakov Nenadovic (1765-1836). He was a Serbian Duke and the first Serbian Minister of Interior. Let's just say he had a moustache to put all other moustaches to shame. There is a stately picture of him up at

And there's also Mateja Nenadovic (1777-1854), he was an Archpriest and a leader of a Serbian uprising against Turkish imperialism. Mateja's father was Aleksa Nenadovic, a chief magistrate of Valjevo. At 16 Mateja was a priest, and later became an Archpriest. He spent a short amount of time as a deputy-commander before he became a key diplomat. His memoirs are an important source of information about Serbian revolt during the period of Turkish conquest. Incidentally, he had a pretty cool beard. There is a picture of him, courtesy of the Serbian Wikipedia:

Do you see any family resemblance?

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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Saturday Mini Codices

Today's installment: